Friday, July 26, 2013

Wolf Lord Paint Job

Hey guys I wanted to check in with you guys again this week and show you the finished Wolf Lord. This has been a long process namely due to my own sloth but I feel now that I have added the new Space Wolves bitz to this model as well as repositioning the arms really made this a quite dynamic model. Once the sculpting on this model was finished this model just sailed into a finished product. On the base coat portion of the model the model broke free from the pin in the base. So I left the model off the base and painted them each separately the base was painted The Fang grey from the current Games Workshop paint line, Then I over brushed Dawnstone grey and finished the stone with a dry brush of Ushabti Bone. The dirt was painted Mournfang Brown then washed with Agrax Earthshade. Then over brushed again with Mournfang Brown and dry brushed Ushabti Bone. Finally I added two layers of Woodland Scenics snow flock and a final layer of the Games Workshop snow (I feel that GW's snow has a better end look) and painted where the rim would be Celestra Grey.
For the Wolf Lord himself I started by painting the whole model Mechanicus Standard Grey, I highlighted it Dawnstone Grey, with a third highlight of Administratum Grey, and finally I washed it in Nuln Oil. Then I began the red for the shield, inside of the cape the plating on the bolt pistol, the shoulder pads, Belt of Russ and the handle of the Frost Blade with Mephiston Red I highlighted it Wazdakka Red and a third layer of Evil Sunz Scarlet. I painted the chest plate, part of the shoulder pad, the hilt of the Frost Blade, Belt of Russ rim and wolves, wolf heads and rim and inner portion of the shield with Warplock Bronze, and highlighted it Ghennas Gold. Finally I painted all the fur Zandri Dust, the leather Mournfang Brown and the metal bits Ironbreaker highlighted with Runfang Steel, and washed all of if with Agrax Earthshade. I then moved to the Frost Blade and the gems on the model I started with The Fang grey and then over brushed with Calgar Blue and a lighter highlight of Lothern Blue and a final dry brush of White Scar. Once all that was finished I highlighted the leather with Balor Brown and worked on the hair and face. For the face I started with Cadian Fleshtone and highlighted Kislev Flesh then I washed it with Reikland Fleshshade. The base on the hair is Doombull Brown and an 25% Evil Sunz Scarlet and an 75% Doombull Brown mixture highlight, washed with Agrax Earthshade. To finish of the fur I over brushed Tallarn Sand and a second lighter over brush of Ushabti Bone, then finished the fur and the model with a dry brush of White Scars. Well I hope you enjoy what I have for a finished product and look out for more models to come.
Inspirata Ex Igne!
Ian Kreator Hobbies

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