Hello everybody This is Ian with Kreator Hobbies. For those of you that have been reading each week there has been a small switch up. I'm going to start doing my weekly update every Monday and hopefully you will see some other information droping too those days. As for my partner Sean will still continue to do his weekly update every Wednesday. So now on to the week cause the last two weeks have been pretty exciting. First and foremost, assembly for the main table for Feast of Blades narrative event was started on Saturday. We have a table design that is over a hundred fifty feet of playable table surface inside of a 12 foot radius! It was a lot of fun building something so epic and I hope you come see the final product at Feast of Blades, and if you're interested in tickets to our Reclaiming the Stone narrative event please visit www.feastofblades.com, and come on out and lets make this a weekend for the record books. It was also great to get to meet a lot of the people I will be working at the event with. With this being my first yewar working with Feast I have only heard these people over the phone so it was great to go get my hjands dirty with them. I really enjoyed as well how nice the people helping us realize this vision are. If there was an issue every one pitched in and helped make sure that the issue was fixed and every one understood what we were doing. Finally it was wonderful to know that they were not just expecting me and my businmess partner Sean build, paint, and transport this monster in time for the event. Overall on Saturday we 11 to 12 people come out for our build. We went through got all of the floors and walls cut and ready for paint. here are a couple of photos of all the action below, and trust me there will be more to come. other than that I've been fairly busy with building an 8 foot by 4 foot worth of scenery for our own tables when they are unveiled in here in the near future. I have also been working on my Space Marine Chaplian, which you will be able to see in tomorrow's Tech Tuesday post (sorry no peeking). I have as well fully painted my unit of 10 Grey Hunters for my Space Wolves army and I will now be moving on to my allied space chapter. I have decided personally that the new flier rules that I want access to a flier myself and so I have a custom marine chapter now. not that I have anything against the other chapters I just had a paint scheme but I wanted to try n space marines there a lease a little bit. We have gamed both Malifaux and Warhammer 40,000. All of the scenarios for the new campaign are ready to go and they should be a lot of fun for everybody who attends. as always thank you for checking out what's going on with us and Inspirata Ex Igne.
Ian with Kreator Hobbies.
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