Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Whats Up? - With Weekend Warrior Ian

Hello everybody and thank you for joining me for another weeks update from myself about Kreator Hobbies and what I have been up to. Sorry this has been missing for a week or so, but family life kinda took over for a week or so and now little baby Tevin is on this planet! Any ways that is another entirely different story but I am a proud father now for a second time.

At any rate things have been busy for Kreator as of late. We have a new campaign that we are running a new nine week campaign at the Square One Plaza Games Workshop location on Colorado Boulevard. We hosted week one last Sunday and it was AWESOME! We had a positive turn out, and I believe everyone enjoyed the story that we have begun to tell pre-Feast of Blades. With that in mind Feast of Blades planning and preparations have gone into full swing now and the story, back story, game mechanic, and scenery building projects have all begun. I am very excited for October 11th! The narrative game will host many different styles of games from 200 or so point kill teams all the way up to massive apocalypse format gaming. Tickets are on sale now at if you would like to participate for Friday night only it will cost 15$ for both Saturday and Sunday for 30$ and all three days for 45$! I cannot remember the last time I got three days worth of awesome and excitement for 45$. As for my personal hobby these past few weeks I have gotten some things wrapped up, remember that Chaplain conversion that I showed you guys in one of our last Tech Tuesday article. Well He is done as well as another ten space marines to begin my Sons of Garro chapter.

Sons of Garro Tactical Squad

Sons of Garro Chaplain
Sons of Garro Chaplain
Sons of Garro Chaplain
I have also wrapped up a unit of Grey Hunters as well. Most everything else we have worked on has been for the Forgotten Relics Campaign. We have built a few new pill boxes and bunkers, an archeotech warp gate, and a shore line that is being wrapped up within the next few days or so. Please keep an eye out on our Facebook page for event descriptions sneak peaks and other extras. Hope to see you soon at one of our events and as always Inspirata Ex Igne.

Kreator Hobbies

Grey Hunters
Grey Hunters

Blackstone warp gate

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