Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Campaign - Forgotten Relics Week Two Primer

The planet Hydrachus is now destroyed, the forces able to escape scatter and reassemble. Eroimas  and the Word Bearers were very thoroughly split up so much that the Imperium was barely able to track what units went where with an emphasis on locating the one responsible for the planets destruction. All of the Dark Apostles men make a direct route out of the system; some are caught and destroyed, while others live to fight again. The Dark Apostle and a retinue of soldiers escape in a small cruiser and head to Hydraphor. The Imperium of man is now very aware of the Word Bearers actions and more space marine chapters begin to move towards the sector as well as other imperial units. Post incident the Inquisition is unable to explain how chaos was able to destroy the planet in this manner or what drove them to do it. One thing is very well known though the perpetrator of this awful incident will pay for what he did. The Captain of the Eupharius Primos looks into his cogigator screen. It displays the troop locations on the surface of Hydraphor. "This is where they are dug is sir." Pointing at the map on the cogigator screen, Master Cantos leans over the ships navigator. "Good, I will relay the location to all forces in the sector. We shall make them pay for Hydrachus..."
This will be the deployment zones for Sundays game!

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