Friday, July 26, 2013

Wolf Lord Paint Job

Hey guys I wanted to check in with you guys again this week and show you the finished Wolf Lord. This has been a long process namely due to my own sloth but I feel now that I have added the new Space Wolves bitz to this model as well as repositioning the arms really made this a quite dynamic model. Once the sculpting on this model was finished this model just sailed into a finished product. On the base coat portion of the model the model broke free from the pin in the base. So I left the model off the base and painted them each separately the base was painted The Fang grey from the current Games Workshop paint line, Then I over brushed Dawnstone grey and finished the stone with a dry brush of Ushabti Bone. The dirt was painted Mournfang Brown then washed with Agrax Earthshade. Then over brushed again with Mournfang Brown and dry brushed Ushabti Bone. Finally I added two layers of Woodland Scenics snow flock and a final layer of the Games Workshop snow (I feel that GW's snow has a better end look) and painted where the rim would be Celestra Grey.
For the Wolf Lord himself I started by painting the whole model Mechanicus Standard Grey, I highlighted it Dawnstone Grey, with a third highlight of Administratum Grey, and finally I washed it in Nuln Oil. Then I began the red for the shield, inside of the cape the plating on the bolt pistol, the shoulder pads, Belt of Russ and the handle of the Frost Blade with Mephiston Red I highlighted it Wazdakka Red and a third layer of Evil Sunz Scarlet. I painted the chest plate, part of the shoulder pad, the hilt of the Frost Blade, Belt of Russ rim and wolves, wolf heads and rim and inner portion of the shield with Warplock Bronze, and highlighted it Ghennas Gold. Finally I painted all the fur Zandri Dust, the leather Mournfang Brown and the metal bits Ironbreaker highlighted with Runfang Steel, and washed all of if with Agrax Earthshade. I then moved to the Frost Blade and the gems on the model I started with The Fang grey and then over brushed with Calgar Blue and a lighter highlight of Lothern Blue and a final dry brush of White Scar. Once all that was finished I highlighted the leather with Balor Brown and worked on the hair and face. For the face I started with Cadian Fleshtone and highlighted Kislev Flesh then I washed it with Reikland Fleshshade. The base on the hair is Doombull Brown and an 25% Evil Sunz Scarlet and an 75% Doombull Brown mixture highlight, washed with Agrax Earthshade. To finish of the fur I over brushed Tallarn Sand and a second lighter over brush of Ushabti Bone, then finished the fur and the model with a dry brush of White Scars. Well I hope you enjoy what I have for a finished product and look out for more models to come.
Inspirata Ex Igne!
Ian Kreator Hobbies

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What's Up? - With Weekend Warrior CJ

Hey guys!  Sorry I haven't posted myself in awhile, had a lot of personal hurdles I've been dealing with. First I'd like to give a shout out to my buddy Weekend Warrior Ian. Congratulations on your boy Tevin arriving safe, sound & healthy!  The day before Independence Day he became a proud father & he's definitely handling the job like no dad I've ever known. Good job man!

So, despite not getting around to the blog the last few weeks, I've been busy getting a wider presence for us on the web. For one, we had a great push on Facebook to get more people to notice & like our Kreator Hobbies page. If you haven't already, please stop by & just add another "like", but I am proud to say that we broke 100 likes in a little over a week. Thanks to everyone spreading he word!  We also launched a new Facebook group called the Miniatures Militia. Already people are buzzing & posting, so another huge thank you to everyone in that group. If you or someone you know would like to join go right ahead, as this new group isn't about our business as much as its about the tabletop hobby community as a whole. Beginner to veterans, individuals to retailers, stop on by & let's help share tips, tactics, vlogs, blogs, podcasts, & releases that will help the community evolve & grow. 

Saturday Ian & I also had a meeting with the other Feast of Blades organizers at the Hyatt Regency in Denver, CO where FoB IV will be hosted October 11th-13th. We discussed a lot, more than our typical weekly Skype meetings, and had a full walk through of where each game & vendor will be. I personally am stoked that we'll be right out in the hallway next to the ticket booth showing off a slew of new products that will be going up on Kickstarter that weekend. Swing on by, drop in on the narrative, order products from our booth or pledge at the convention to receive exclusive terrain pieces built by us that will be used on our tables all weekend long. 

Other than that I've been focussing on schooling. I've decided to go back & take more small business course to add to my previous degrees & military management experience so we can help not just our own business, but others in our hobby who may be struggling. I'd love to see game designers, store owners, event organizers, & others immersed in the hobby come together & help each other out.

Well that's all for me this week. I'm on my last day of finals, fingers crossed I ace the last of my exams!  Till next time,


TechTuesday - Wolf Lord Conversion

Hello everybody and thanks for joining us for another Tech Tuesday. Today I wanted to show another conversion job. So I have had a Wolf Lord for my Space Wolves army laying around for quite awhile now. I had stalled out on the conversion work because I didn't feel as though I had the pose down just right. So for quite some time this model sat around and then the new model kits came out and with some improv sculpting skills I think I was able to pull it off. I took the running legs as well as the back with a cape from the Space Marine Commander box, the old 3rd edition Space Wolves chest piece and backpack, a Bloodletters sword, a wolf skull, the Belt of Russ, the bolt pistol, a shoulder pad, a tuft of fur from the new Space Wolves Grey Hunter kit, and a storm shield from the new Space Wolves Terminator box. I wish I could show you pictures of the old conversion, but to give you a short brief the arms were much closer to his side. I had still cut away some material but nowhere near as much as in the final product. Once I had the new pieces and the Bloodletters sword I took off the old shoulder pad and put the tuft to hair over the other. Then I repositioned his arms leaving a little bit larger gap between it and the shoulder contact point. I had already sculpted hair into the back part of the commander cape so that was left over from the first conversion, same with his hair and beard. So I took the arms and filled in all the gaps between the arm and chest, as well as sculpted in some of the under plating and movement points for the Marine. I separated him at the hips and glued a spacer at the legs/waist contact. Then I pinned the Bloodletter sword to the arm and reshaped the blade into a frost blade. I resculpted the hilt and added a wolf skull bit to the center of the hilt. I also glued the would skull to the Belt of Russ. For the base I took a 35mm square base and filed it down to conform with the smaller 25mm round without damaging the rocks. Then I filled in the indented area between the rocks and the base with green stuff. Here are a few photos of the finished conversion. Check back later for the painted piece this week. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Campaign - Forgotten Relics Week Two Details

Week Two Smoke Them Out! (Planet: Hydraphur) 

Restricted force organization chart; the defender must have 1-6 Troops and must have 1-2 HQ. Once these selections have been made he may elect to have 1-3, Fast Attack, 1-4 Elite, and 1-2 Heavy Support. The attacking player must have 2-6 Troops, and must have 1-2 HQ. Once these minimums have been met he may choose 1-4 Fast Attack, 1-3 Elites, 1-2 Heavy Support.
 Special Mission Objectives: Record wins and losses for store data.
 Attacker; Destroy the Hideout; the attacking player must nominate one unit to carry “bunker charges” to the hideout to bring it down. The player does not need to reveal this unit but it should be written down clearly listing the unit and set aside for fairness/records sake. No one wants survivors in this situation. This special objective will award the attacking player an additional victory if he completes it within the allotted standard game turns. The elected unit must make it to a predetermined piece of scenery within the defenders deployment zone and once there set the charges. At that point at the end of each game turn a roll of a 4, 5, or 6 will detonate the charge and any unit within 2 D6 X 2 inches will be hit with strength 5 AP 5 hit that does not allow cover saves of any kind. Note! If this should kill the HQ unit of the defending player this will award an additional victory point (1 for charge detonated, 1 for destroying HQ, and 1 for destroying HQ with charge, totaling 3 victory points)
 Defender; Plot Foiled: If the defending player is able to successfully destroy the attacking players unit carrying the shape charges he will be awarded 2 victory points for doing so.
Note on Destroy Enemy Command Unit; The defending player will be awarded an additional victory point in this scenario for destroying the enemy command unit.
 Deployment Zones and Points Limit: This week’s game should be player on a four foot by four foot surface and the attacking force will have 1200 points and the defending player 1000 points.
 Attacker; The attacking player will hold all of his force off the table and for deployment purposes will count as being on the other side of the table edge along all board edges. He and the defending player may deploy scouts and may make scouting moves per normal. 
 Defender; The defender will deploy within a 12 inch by 12 inch square in the center of the table with one large piece of terrain within the deployment zone, This piece of scenery is highly recommended to be a building of some sort (it is a hideout after all) and should have multiple floors to allow for more deployment room. If however a defending force to fit within the deployment zone with the piece of scenery than he and the attacker should discuss a fair way to deploy the remainder of the force to the outside of the deployment zone please just be fair
Deployment Zones Week Two

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Whats Up? - With Weekend Warrior Ian

Hello everybody and thank you for joining me for another weeks update from myself about Kreator Hobbies and what I have been up to. Sorry this has been missing for a week or so, but family life kinda took over for a week or so and now little baby Tevin is on this planet! Any ways that is another entirely different story but I am a proud father now for a second time.

At any rate things have been busy for Kreator as of late. We have a new campaign that we are running a new nine week campaign at the Square One Plaza Games Workshop location on Colorado Boulevard. We hosted week one last Sunday and it was AWESOME! We had a positive turn out, and I believe everyone enjoyed the story that we have begun to tell pre-Feast of Blades. With that in mind Feast of Blades planning and preparations have gone into full swing now and the story, back story, game mechanic, and scenery building projects have all begun. I am very excited for October 11th! The narrative game will host many different styles of games from 200 or so point kill teams all the way up to massive apocalypse format gaming. Tickets are on sale now at if you would like to participate for Friday night only it will cost 15$ for both Saturday and Sunday for 30$ and all three days for 45$! I cannot remember the last time I got three days worth of awesome and excitement for 45$. As for my personal hobby these past few weeks I have gotten some things wrapped up, remember that Chaplain conversion that I showed you guys in one of our last Tech Tuesday article. Well He is done as well as another ten space marines to begin my Sons of Garro chapter.

Sons of Garro Tactical Squad

Sons of Garro Chaplain
Sons of Garro Chaplain
Sons of Garro Chaplain
I have also wrapped up a unit of Grey Hunters as well. Most everything else we have worked on has been for the Forgotten Relics Campaign. We have built a few new pill boxes and bunkers, an archeotech warp gate, and a shore line that is being wrapped up within the next few days or so. Please keep an eye out on our Facebook page for event descriptions sneak peaks and other extras. Hope to see you soon at one of our events and as always Inspirata Ex Igne.

Kreator Hobbies

Grey Hunters
Grey Hunters

Blackstone warp gate

Campaign - Forgotten Relics Week Two Primer

The planet Hydrachus is now destroyed, the forces able to escape scatter and reassemble. Eroimas  and the Word Bearers were very thoroughly split up so much that the Imperium was barely able to track what units went where with an emphasis on locating the one responsible for the planets destruction. All of the Dark Apostles men make a direct route out of the system; some are caught and destroyed, while others live to fight again. The Dark Apostle and a retinue of soldiers escape in a small cruiser and head to Hydraphor. The Imperium of man is now very aware of the Word Bearers actions and more space marine chapters begin to move towards the sector as well as other imperial units. Post incident the Inquisition is unable to explain how chaos was able to destroy the planet in this manner or what drove them to do it. One thing is very well known though the perpetrator of this awful incident will pay for what he did. The Captain of the Eupharius Primos looks into his cogigator screen. It displays the troop locations on the surface of Hydraphor. "This is where they are dug is sir." Pointing at the map on the cogigator screen, Master Cantos leans over the ships navigator. "Good, I will relay the location to all forces in the sector. We shall make them pay for Hydrachus..."
This will be the deployment zones for Sundays game!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Campaign - Forgotten Relics Week One Details

Hello everyone this a deeper look at Forgotten Relics one, Kreator's new nine week campaign as lead up to Reclaiming the Stone October 11th through the 13th at Feast of Blades. So please join us July 14th at Games Workshop located inside Square One Plaza on south colorado boulevard. Please enjoy the story and scenario and we will see you at Brett's shop. For ticket information for Feast of Blades visit www.Feastofblades.Com.

Week One: Story

Hydrachus a relic planet in the far north of the Segmentum Pacifica. Time once saw greatness on this planet but those days are over. Once lush and prosperous before the heresy, the planet could not withstand the destruction that war brought to it. With the fighting during the heresy the planets fragile ecology suffered so much that almost all life has faded from the planet. Now its formidable deserts and mountain ranges host only those strong and smart enough to survive its crushing heat and absence of standing water on its surface. 
The Dark Apostle Continues to flip through his Maligna Carte looking for the proper page as space marines make their advance on the warp gate un-noticed. Captain Baynefeld of the Howling Griffons stops puts a closed fist in the air and says, "Hold." All but the fastest units in his company stop next to him. Baynefeld's fastest warriors have circled around the Chaos positions cutting off all hope for an escape. "Units, state your locations, and confirm if you are in place?" All units sound off affirmative. "lets move" Captain Baynefeld states into the vox caster and marines begin the assault. 
The Dark Apostle stands in the center of the warp gate finishes chanting, power courses out of him and all is quiet. The space marines have sprung their trap there is no going back, but as they do something Unexpected happens. The surface of the planet begins to rumble, the surface rolls, large cracks begin to tear the surface of the planet. The ritual has been completed at the cost of the planet and the lives on it that are unable to escape it

Here is tomorrows deployment zones. We have cool a scenario and terrain.  Hope to see you there!

Week One: Attack Pattern Alpha (Planet: Hydrachus)  
Special Rules Special Mission Objectives: Record wins and losses for store data.
Unstable Footing; At the beginning of each turn the players must roll on the Seismic Hazards table and follow the chart.
Planetary collapse; The forces involved in pulling the Blackstone Fortress out of the warp are so immense that the planet will begin to collapse on its self at the end of the attacking players first turn roll a D6. On the roll of a 5 or 6 the ground begins to collapse beneath them. Starting at the attacking players 12 inch deployment zone, from the table edge in measure six inches and mark the table off. The ground has become unstable and is collapsing inward. From this point on treat the marked are inward as the new playing surface.  Any model within the six inch area that has collapsed must pass an initiative test at negative one or be removed as a casualty. Vehicles in the collapse area automatically pass the initiative test but lose one hull point.  
Attacker/Defender; The players will each will receive one point for units that they destroys, and one point for each unit that it can successfully exit off the short table edge that the attacking player entered from on turn one. 
Note ANY unit/vehicle that exits this board edge will be considered escaped and cannot renter play the following turn.  
Deployment Zones and Points Limit: This week’s game should be player on a six foot by four foot surface and will be played at 1850 points. The two players should place a large blast template in the center of the board that will represent the Warp Gate. 
Attacker; The attacking player should deploy his main force along one short table edge with no models outside of 12 inches of the table edge.  Additionally if the player wishes to he may “outflank” his opponent using the following unit types; Cavalry, jump infantry, bikes, jet bikes, and skimmers. These units must be placed in reserves and will enter the board along the opposing short table edge using Dawn of War special rules.  
Defender; The defending player will deploy in the center of the board nine inches to either side of the blast marker that was placed in the center of the board previously for a total 18 inch deployment zone. He must additionally elect one non vehicle model to enact the ritual turn one to kick off the next nine weeks. This model must be placed within the large blast templates footprint. Defending player will always be given the first turn however the attacker may try to seize the initiative. Infiltrating and scouting units may use either no man’s lan

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

TechTuesday - Wet Palate

Hello everybody and welcome to another edition of Tech Tuesday. Today I'm going to show you something that will change the way that you paint if you're using a dry palate. For today we're going to talk about wet pallets! There's a lot of conversation about some of the materials/products you should to use, and I have come up with some wonderful solutions if you want to do it at home.
This is what my finished product looks like!

Firstly you'll need a container, you can use a piece of Tupperware or even just a pencil case. Preferably something that is going to be watertight and has the ability to create a seal. Next you will want any foam similar and density to kind you get in a army case or you can use paper towels. You will need this to soak up the water you will be adding to it later. I in this case took a car wash spounge and cut it in half. As well I removed the cloth around the foam so it would fit my container. Lastly you will need parchment paper.
The components needed: Your container, your peice of foam, and a piece of paper cut to fit your container.
 This is where you will see some differing opinions. If you would like to go the economic route as I did you can find in the baking section at your local grocery store a roll of 30 to 40 feet of parchment paper. You may be able to find slightly different qualities and or something that is more form fitting to your Tupperware or whatever you decide to use as your case. You may also decide to boil the parchment paper to get rid of any kind of wax residue before you use it. I personally am going to do no such thing after using it. I have found the paper stays very moist and paint it is very easy to access and move to the model without boiling the paper before hand.
Simple assembily, Just put the foam and parchment paper in the contaner. Thats it!
And you finished product should look something like this.

Once you've got all your materials together.  Simply cut the foam and paper towels if your Tupperware can add water to the bottom of the Tupperware and you're done! Well I hope that you enjoyed this week's installment of Tech Tuesday.  One again Inspirata Ex Igne.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Campaign - Forgotten Relics Week One Primer

Hello everyone this is the first week's story for Forgotten Relics, Kreator's new nine week campaign as lead up to Reclaiming the Stone October 11th through the 13th at Feast of Blades. So please join us July 14th at Games Workshop located inside Square One Plaza on south colorado boulevard. Please enjoy the story and we will see you at Brett's shop.

Week One:

Hydrachus a relic planet in the far north of the Segmentum Pacifica. Time once saw greatness on this planet but those days are over. Once lush and prosperous before the heresy, the planet could not withstand the destruction that war brought to it. With the fighting during the heresy the planets fragile ecology suffered so much that almost all life has faded from the planet. Now its formidable deserts and mountain ranges host only those strong and smart enough to survive its crushing heat and absence of standing water on its surface.
The Dark Apostle Continues to flip through his Maligna Carte looking for the proper page as space marines make their advance on the warp gate un-noticed. Captain Baynefeld of the Howling Griffons stops puts a closed fist in the air and says, "Hold." All but the fastest units in his company stop next to him. Baynefeld's fastest warriors have circled around the Chaos positions cutting off all hope for an escape. "Units, state your locations, and confirm if you are in place?" All units sound off affirmative. "lets move" Captain Baynefeld states into the vox caster and marines begin the assault.
The Dark Apostle stands in the center of the warp gate finishes chanting, power courses out of him and all is quiet. The space marines have sprung their trap there is no going back, but as they do something Unexpected happens. The surface of the planet begins to rumble, the surface rolls, large cracks begin to tear the surface of the planet. The ritual has been completed at the cost of the planet and the lives on it that are unable to escape it

What's Up? - With Weekend Warrior Ian

Hello everybody This is Ian with Kreator Hobbies. For those of you that have been reading each week there has been a small switch up. I'm going to start doing my weekly update every Monday and hopefully you will see some other information droping too those days. As for my partner Sean will still continue to do his weekly update every Wednesday. So now on to the week cause the last two weeks have been pretty exciting. First and foremost, assembly for the main table for Feast of Blades narrative event was started on Saturday. We have a table design that is over a hundred fifty feet of playable table surface inside of a 12 foot radius! It was a lot of fun building something so epic and I hope you come see the final product at Feast of Blades, and if you're  interested in tickets to our Reclaiming the Stone narrative event please visit, and come on out and lets make this a weekend for the record books. It was also great to get to meet a lot of the people I will be working at the event with. With this being my first yewar working with Feast I have only heard these people over the phone so it was great to go get my hjands dirty with them. I really enjoyed as well how nice the people helping us realize this vision are. If there was an issue every one pitched in and helped make sure that the issue was fixed and every one understood what we were doing. Finally it was wonderful to know that they were not just expecting me and my businmess partner Sean build, paint, and transport this monster in time for the event.  Overall on Saturday we 11 to 12 people come out for our build. We went through got all of the floors and walls cut and ready for paint. here are a couple of photos of all the action below, and trust me there will be more to come. other than that I've been fairly busy with building an 8 foot by 4 foot worth of scenery for our own tables when they are unveiled in here in the near future. I have also been working on my Space Marine Chaplian, which you will be able to see in tomorrow's Tech Tuesday post (sorry no peeking). I have as well fully painted my unit of 10 Grey Hunters for my Space Wolves army and I will now be moving on to my allied space chapter. I have decided personally that the new flier rules that I want access to a flier myself and so I have a custom marine chapter now. not that I have anything against the other chapters I just had a paint scheme but I wanted to try n space marines there a lease a little bit. We have gamed both Malifaux and Warhammer 40,000. All of the scenarios for the new campaign are ready to go and they should be a lot of fun for everybody who attends. as always thank you for checking out what's going on with us and Inspirata Ex Igne.

Ian with Kreator Hobbies. 

New Campaign Coming to a Store Near You!

Hello everybody Kreator Hobbies here and we would like to formally invite you all to our new campaign begining July 14th. As lead up to our epic three day narrative mega battle Reclaiming the Stone for Feast of Blades this October 11-13th. We are hosting a nine-week campaign at Shieldbreaker and Games Workshop. The event at Feast of Blades will be a ticketed event however event at both Shieldbreaker and Games Workshop will be free of charge all of these will be open to any commers want to play and I encourage everybody to come and hang out with us.

This year Feast of Blades will be located at the Hyatt Regency (Denver Tech Center) 7800 East Tufts Ave.Denver, CO 80237. (For full information please visit This year we are hosting a absolutley massive event as the Word Bearers Dark Apostle Eriomas attempts to win the favor with the dark gods he will seek out a dark and evil artifact. Will he be able to win their favor or will the might of the god emperor thwart his plans of asention and galatic domination you decide. Below you will find the back story to the campaign that I Hope you all will enjoy. I look foward to seeing you all at game. Inspirata Ex Igne.

Kreator Hobbies

There is a foul secret held by the keepers of the Black Library.  A secret that should remain hidden for all eternity.  one that tells of a dark time, a war of tremendous proportion. A time where planets will fall to a madman, or to the inability for good to thwart unrestrained malice. Unfortunately this is not a secret of long ago but of a time not yet come to pass, and as with all secrets of it's nature time has a tendency to expose them.
Reports to the Ordos Xenos claim that an Eldar Craftworld has altered its position and by best estimate is headed to Quisto'rol. The planets defense force reports that they are prepared to face any potential threat, and at the moment the Eldar appear to pose none at the moment. However the Eldar have provided no explanation for their new found course which is cause enough for suspicion when dealing with the Eldar.
:Segmentum Pacifica planet Hydrachus:
"Have you located the signal yet?" The Dark Apostle, Eroimas commanded while filing through his Malaigna Carte. The pages of the foul tome shift and the ruinous text on the page begins to dance around. "The source is up ahead" a cultist states in a blank non-existent tone. He begins to shuffle towards a scraggy rock outcroppings along the foothills to the companies west. "There is a opening in the rocks ahead, there you will find the relic you seek to bring about mans demise". The cultist continued coldly. His body fatigued from being used as a mouthpiece for his malcontent host. However unlike the Wareing techniques employed by psychers of the Imperium and other adepts. His mind is still fully active and lucid just trapped inside his psychie. A voice great and negative force is prodding him. They tell him of his demise its words like gnashing teeth. His mind aches but his body continues on. Leading him, against the urge to fall over, leading his Master to his quarry. "This Way." says the cultist as he makes his way between two rock faces. At its base is a small rocky dried up  creek bed and beyond it their goal. Half surrounded by towering granite boulders and underbrush is the Warp Gate. Obscured from direct line of sight so that, and with so much hard rock surrounding the structure the energy signature of the gate is almost fully obscured as well. "Excellent." The Eroimas says and as he slams the book shut there is an audible snap and the cultist slumps over and falls to the ground his neck visibly broken and a stream of blood trickling from is nostrils. As he falls to the ground he mutters there final words. "Mortis as hominen".