Thursday, April 11, 2013

Campaign - The Resurection of Tiamat Campaign (Batrep - Week One)

Greetings Denver gaming community again from Ian with Kreator Hobbies.

We wanted to extend a warm thank you to everyone who stopped by to play the scenario last night at Bonnie Brae Hobbies! We hope every one had as much as we did, the night was eventful and we got to see some very scary match ups and some entertaining fights. There was a fight between Daemons and Blood Angels that was particularly brutal! The Blood Angels player hulled up to avoid a walloping from a daemon prince but it did not avail him. The daemon prince and his screamers flew across the field of play, smashing into the aegis wall, destroying the Blood Angels but not without suffering some heavy causalities of their own! One match up had Eldar fighting Word Bearers and (with some help from the mysterious genestealer cult) the fight very quickly became Word Bearers versus banshees and a farseer. The forces of chaos seemed to have the advantage for the middle stretch of the game but were unable to capitalize on their early advantage, allowing the Banshees to soon exact a very violent and prolific toll on the unit of chosen who fell quickly to their opponent's skill and martial prowess. This left a small contingent of cultist's to hold the line against the banshee's full fury.

We really enjoy setting these types of events up for people and hope to see more and more of the Denver gaming community during these events. We will of course continue to tweak and perfect all of our scenarios and story lines to perfection and we will also begin a hobbyist's corner for all those who need help with building and painting the models to get that help. We really do not want a single hobbyist to think that this is too much or that they cannot make their models look like what they envisioned when they bought the box. We've all had that anxiety set in after opening up the box and after a combined 28 years experience in this hobby we guarantee we can show you how to build and paint anything that you want to regardless of materials it is made of, pose, model line, or even if you want to build a custom piece. CJ has played since 1996 & I have since 2002, so we have a lot of experience with painting, modelling and gaming as well so bring it on down! We only have one request PLEASE let us know your concerns or bring your own materials with you to hobby with us and we'll be more than happy to show you the ropes!

Well everyone I hope to see you next week at:

Atomic Games 
1921 Youngfield St. Suite 206
Golden, CO 80401

From all of us at Kreator "Inspirata Ex Igne" and enjoy the game ahead!

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