Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Campaign - The Resurrection of Tiamat (Preview - Week Two)

Hello again from Kreator Hobbies! We hope everyone enjoyed last week's game and are excitedly looking forward to play again this week with tomorrow night's game at Atomic Games. Wes (Atomic's owner) is a great guy and has a nice shop with a wide variety of products to choose from from console games to various miniature wargames to Magic: the Gathering & various RPG's in his "library" for use for anyone looking to start a D&D/Pathfinder/Rifts/WoD campaign. The Resurrection of Tiamat game will run from 5pm to 10pm tomorrow and we cant wait to see you guys there! If you need their info, Atomic Games is located at:

1921 Youngfield Ave Suite 206
Golden, Colorado 80401

So without further delay here is week two of The Resurection of Tiamet!

Week Two: With sweeps finished and no direct threats found information is verified about the Tiamet Splinter Fleet. It appears the higher than normal psychic energy in the sector has caused the frontal cerebral cortex on the Tyranid specimens found on the Inquest to grow at an alarming rate. It seems to suggest that the attackers had a higher brain function than a normal Tyranid would typically have. This would have given the genestealers that attacked the Inquest an additional advantage due to an increase in their reflex speed, communication centers, and heightened senses. An alarming piece of information to uncover, however, without concrete proof, or a live specimen, will the High Lord of Terra accept this new information? Imperial forces are now scrambling to find proof of the mutated Tyranids.

This game will be played at 750 points and will follow the restricted force organization chart explained below.

* = Restricted force organization chart:
Players must have one HQ and one Troop choice, and may only have only one selection for Elite, Fast Attack, or Heavy Support units. Also, no vehicle can have a front armor value higher than 12, nor can a player have any special characters, or flyers.

Furthermore, if you are just joining us these are the campaign special rules that we will be having fun with tomorrow.

Universal rules for every game:

At the beginning of all games the players must roll a dice to determine what kind of planet they are going to gaming on. A roll of a 1 or 2 the players are on a stable world whereas on a 3-6 th players are to roll off to determine the type of death world it will be as well as for the type of mission played using the information from White Dwarf #387.

Before each game the players will roll a D6 for the number of objectives. Of the objectives, D3 will contain D3 genestealers. Players will roll to determine the number of objectives infected. The first time an objective has a player's non-flier unit move within 6 inches of it, the player will roll a dice. On a 1- 3 the player encounters nothing whereas on a 4-6 the objective is infected and they must roll a D3 to determine the number of genestealers there are in the objective. The unit will become engaged in assault and will not be able to use over watch rules. The only way this can be changed is if the players have used up their “infected” objectives, being only left with infected objectives per the D3 roll from the beginning of the game. The unit that uncovers the genestealers is instantly considered to be engaged in close combat as if assaulted as soon as the infected objective is triggered. Note objectives cannot be within 8 inches of a deployment zone or within 12 inches of another objective.

Special Note!!! Any psycher on the board will generate an extra dice per turn to be used in the psychic power per phase.

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