Hello and welcome to the weekly wrap-up for Kreator Hobbies. Each week you would like to take a little bit of time to talk about what we're doing with our current projects and as well in her own hobby life. This way we can keep you abreast of important things such as the narrative event we will be sponsoring/hosting later this year for Feast of Blades. As well we would like to show you guys what we are working on, projects we are involved in, and what kinds of things get our creative juices flowing. This was my week. WHEW! This has been a full tilt kind of week, we are getting the materials together for our massive narrative event at Feast of Blades, test playing scenarios for a new campaign, painting Resurectionists, Neverborn, Space Wolves, and consulting/sculpting for a friend. All of this while expecting a newborn at any moment! Its been a great week none the less though, I have been in contact with the Feast of Blades staff for the last few days going over and explaining to them what our Blackstone Fortress for the Reclaiming the Stone three day narrative event, check it out at Feast of Blades' website
this will be a lot of fun and I promise it will be something for the history books!
This is a rough draft of the ENTIRE Blackstone once its fully assembled. It's over 80 square feet of playable surface!!! |
This is the concept sketch of the Pyramid section of the Blackstone. Notice the Ork Kill Kruzer... I wonder how that got there. |
This is a side view if what we will be playing on come October 11th. |
With that coming together quite nicely I began to work on the nine week campaign we will be running beginning July 8th, 2013 as a lead up to Feast of Blades. The story is coming together quickly between me and a good buddy of mine, and the scenarios that we have test played are working well. We have been through three of the Nine weeks at this point and have come up with some really fun story based scenarios. With this campaign the forces of ruin are pulling for a Blackstone Fortress from deep inside the Warp and plan to aim it at an imperial world. Where will it make contact that is for the dark gods to know! Over the course of a couple weeks myself two very good in very critical friends have played through the scenario. If them there is a flanking maneuver, the other a ambush, and the last a fortress defense. All have worked out well we have made productive changes to every scenario and are now running quite smooth. For there most everything else I've been working on this week is painting. I've been working on a lot of Malifaux models and intend to become a henchman here within the next couple of months. I picked up a Guild starter set my business partner picked up a Resurrectionist crew box and my buddy has picked up a Neverborn crew box. As of today both the Guild and the Neverborn crew boxes are complete and a Teddy.
Pandora Crew Box plus one Teddy. |
Lady Justice Crew Box. |
This only leaves two models left in the Resurrectionist's crew and all of its painted! Keep your eyes open for more from us in more weekly updates. Inspirata Ex Igne. Ian Kreator Hobbies
Ork Tank Bustas. |
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