Thursday, June 27, 2013

TechTuesday - Chaplain Conversion

Hello everybody Ian with Kreator Hobbies with another installment of Tech Tuesday.  This week I wanted to highlight my Space Marines Chaplain. Recently I decided to create a Space Marine chapter to support my Space Wolves and be a third Warhammer 40000 army.  I'm going to be using my own color scheme which we will show you guys on a later date. The other thing I decided on was that I wanted to convert a Chaplain instead of purchasing one.

So I set out to find some bits.  I had an old Since Marine Veteran model with a power axe laying about so I figured that would work well. Next I went looking for the crozius, I found a crozius bit and built it up with the bottom portion of a Dark Angels power maul. I also found a bionic arm and fusion pack from the Space Marine Commander box set. Now I needed the iconic skull helmet. I eventually took one of the skull heads off the chaos marine champion box.  I cut off all the dirty chaos parts off and you can barely tell where it's from. Then I got my bolt pistol from the Black Templars update sprue and a shoulder pad from an Grey Hunters box.  Once I found all the bits I needed I pinned everything together and placed the model in a vat of warm water and simple green to strip the old paint job. Then after roughly 24 hours I brushed the old paint job away. You to this point this were going quite smoothly. .. Then do to breakage I wound up having to cut the old biopic arm down and add my own flair to it so that I could use the Templar bit.  Then I sculpted the goregut to the model. As this is one of only a few pieces off armour I have sculpted this was a bit laborious but I think the end result was worth all the effort. I did as well need to fix the skull a bit from file/Dremmel marks that were left in it as well. Once all this was complete I filled in my gaps so there are no seams on this model and left him looking like this.  Thank you all for reading this week this is Ian with Kreator Hobbies saying Inspirata Ex Igne.

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