Friday, March 15, 2013


Hey everyone! Weekend Warrior CJ here and I wanted to share what I've been up to this week with our inaugural weekly Status Report column!

So our local GW store here in Denver has started a Warhammer Fantasy escalation league and seeing how I've never actually participated in one myself I decided to give it a go. I've had some Skaven sitting around since I bought my Island of Blood box a few years back which will probably be a fun project to experience this all with. Today I picked up a battalion box to give me some options to play 500 points with but now need to start planning ahead for the mid to end battles. Any readers have some suggestions they've enjoyed?

Also, speaking of EscLeagues, Ian is just about finished with a 40k league that we'll be kicking off about the same time as the podcast in just a few short weeks. Stay posted as he'll have some more details soon, but after reading it over it should as epic as the ones he ran back in his day when he used to work for GW himself.

Finally, with the journey venturing into EscLeagues I'll be using the WFB one as an opportunity to bring in others to interviews and BatReps with. With all of these columns, as well as the upcoming podcasts & vlogs in the pipeline, we're making sure that there is plenty of content coming your way and just ask that you keep letting us know if you're looking for more. Enjoy the rest of your week!

- CJ

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