Monday, March 18, 2013

Miniatures Monday - Dark Angels Scouts

Ay everyone! Weekend Warrior CJ here with our first Miniatures Monday article!

So this Saturday I spent all day at our local G-dubya store here in Denver focusing on my my first scouts squad for my Dark Angels (it was St Paddy's weekend after all). Seeing how the only snipers I've ever used have been Eldar I was excited to slap together my first squad. All things considered I think they turned out pretty well, especially "Private Skyfire" who I decked out with all kinds of bits from the box.

I also have begun the process of kit bashing a Landspeeder Vengeance with a Landspeeder Storm to supplement my squad. Looking forward to seeing if that combo works as well as I hope it does in a future BatRep. How about all of you? What did you guys work on this weekend? Please share your posts & pics in the comments below. Cheers!

- CJ

Friday, March 15, 2013


Hey everyone! Weekend Warrior CJ here and I wanted to share what I've been up to this week with our inaugural weekly Status Report column!

So our local GW store here in Denver has started a Warhammer Fantasy escalation league and seeing how I've never actually participated in one myself I decided to give it a go. I've had some Skaven sitting around since I bought my Island of Blood box a few years back which will probably be a fun project to experience this all with. Today I picked up a battalion box to give me some options to play 500 points with but now need to start planning ahead for the mid to end battles. Any readers have some suggestions they've enjoyed?

Also, speaking of EscLeagues, Ian is just about finished with a 40k league that we'll be kicking off about the same time as the podcast in just a few short weeks. Stay posted as he'll have some more details soon, but after reading it over it should as epic as the ones he ran back in his day when he used to work for GW himself.

Finally, with the journey venturing into EscLeagues I'll be using the WFB one as an opportunity to bring in others to interviews and BatReps with. With all of these columns, as well as the upcoming podcasts & vlogs in the pipeline, we're making sure that there is plenty of content coming your way and just ask that you keep letting us know if you're looking for more. Enjoy the rest of your week!

- CJ

Enjoying Your Hobby

Hey everyone! Weekend Warrior Ian here with a new column dedicated to enjoying your hobby.

I have come to find over the past few weeks that I have grown a bit in the hobby. For quite a long time one of my favorite people to game with has been in the army. He has just returned this week and is out for good now, but as a bonus another close friend has returned from the military ahead of schedule. Over the past couple days we have taught a friend of ours, as well as my wife, to play Munchkin. We've all hung out like the old days. We've built and painted models. All around we've had a fantastic time. It is truly amazing that the right people can help foster new ideas as well as encourage the desire to enjoy your hobby to the fullest!

At the moment I am wrapping up a unit of Grey Hunters for my Space Wolves as well converting the Genestealers for our campaign beginning next month. We have spoken with both game stores (Atomic Games West in Wheat Ridge and Bonnie Brae Hobby Shop in Englewood) that will be hosting the event to work out the details resulting in some smoking hot models and a great narrative escalation campaign ending with a mega battle in June. Keep your eyes out for pictures of the Genestealers throughout the conversion and paint process in an upcoming series I'll be introducing before the end of March. Finally, don't forget to follow us on here, Facebook, Twitter, and most important of all, our business website which help funds our ability to bring you quality content related to your favorite hobbies.

- Ian

What would YOU like to hear on the Weekend Warriors?

Hey everyone! Ian and I are finalizing the episode list for the first six month of the Weekend Warriors podcast (begins airing April 1st) and we want to hear from YOU! What topics would you like to hear on air? Any particular game system or hobby bit you'd like to have us discuss? Any questions you'd like to ask us about, well, us, the show, or our business? Our goal is to tailor our podcast (and eventually our YouTube shows) to you guys. After all, everything we do is about hobbyists for hobbyists, so drop us a line or post a comment below and we'll try to work it all into one of our series. Cheers guys!

- CJ

And so the journey begins...

The last year has been a great start to a dream in the making of nearly a decade. Kreator is officially off the ground & running full speed ahead, and speaking of ahead that momentum is going to carry us very, vary far by years end. As you know we have the privilege of sponsoring the narrative event at Feast of Blades in October. Cofounder Ian has written an EPIC scenario involving a Blackstone Fortress hurtling towards an Imperial planet and every race in the sector is plotting to control the fortress for themselves. Will your army control the fate of a world, and ultimately, the galaxy? Make sure you snag you tickets to Feasts of Blades 2013 to give it a shot!

Also, we have been dropping easter eggs all over the web on the releases coming leading up to the event this fall. Keep an eye out, especially on Kickstarter where we will be launching our flagship product that will be featured at FoB!

Finally, we are proud to announce that the Weekend Warrior podcast will premiere on April 1st. The podcast will keep you not only up to date on the latest of Kreator Hobby's products & services, but also discuss the biggest happenings in the miniature wargaming, tabletop roleplaying, collectible card & board game industries. We'll have product reviews, event coverage, tips & tricks, interviews, everything you can think of to keep you informed on what's happening with your favorite hobby. The best part is that like everything at Kreator, we do these things for YOU, so hit us up, let us know if the happenings in your area or content you'd like to see added to our shows & sites. Kreator isn't just a company that makes hobby furniture & accessories, we are a community, one that wants to remain close to those who share our passion!

Well that's all for now guys. Keep checking back for more, and if you think you have something to add, please feel free to contact us so we can add you to the web community. Take care, and remember to Kreate what fuels you!!!!

- CJ