Friday, August 23, 2013

Update on Feast of Blades 2013

Hello everyone Ian with Kreator Hobbies as some of our readers may know at this point that Kreator Hobbies is hosting the narrative event for Feast of Blades this year. For those of you that don’t know or are curious Feast of Blades is a three day gaming convention held in Denver this year on October 11-13th at the Hyatt Regency (Denver Tech Center)7800 East Tufts Ave. Denver, CO 80237 There is a invitational tournament that this convention built its start from but it has grown over the years into something so much more. Beyond the massive three day narrative mega battle we will be running they will be hosting Infinity events, Warmachine, Magic the Gathering and video games too! The guys who coordinate this event have very ambitious goals with this con and have let me exercise a great deal of creative freedom for the narrative this year. So far I think that this is going to be one game that should be written about in gaming history. We are currently producing a table with over 130 square feet of gaming surface, not to mention five other tables for mega battles. Our story will be told between our large format planet fights and our Kill Team fights inside of our centrepiece, a Blackstone Fortress. The forces of Chaos have ripped a partially functional Blackstone Fortress from the warp and it is now they have aimed it for the heart of the Eye of Terror. Now it is up to the forces of light the Imperium of Man, Tau, and Eldar to stop this new menace. However such a powerful item has not gone un-noticed by other players in the sector. Will man and the forces of light prevail or will dark forces deal a blow to the Imperium that they will not recover from, you decide. For tickets please visit
Each Sunday until September 15th we will be at Shieldbreakers on 724 Peoria St. Denver Colorado 80011. We will be telling a lead up story for the three day event “Forgotten Relics” that will follow the Dark Apostle Eroimas as he pushed his forces and the Blackstone to its intended target. We have special scenarios and deployment zones for everybody that will lead to fun and fast paced games for all to enjoy. If you are just getting started in the hobby not a problem we have experienced gamers that can help you with rules and a Space Wolves army being painted by myself that you are welcome to use. Just come in with the intent to have fun and we will do the rest. If you want to bring in a project feel free, if you have a question on building, painting, or converting your models ask away. We want to help EVERYONE enjoy their hobby to greatest extent.
As well along the line we will be updating you on our projects as well we have been working furiously working on the Blackstone fortress and I am trying to finish 1850 point Space Wolf army. I have some sneak peeks of the project that I want to show you of the inner chamber and the arms of the Blackstone fortress. I hope you enjoy and I look forward to seeing all of those that are going to come out and help us tell this story. Inspriata Ex Igne Ian co-founder of Kreator Hobbies.